Kill Team: Datacards: Fellgor Ravagers


Fellgor Ravagers to elitarni wojownicy wśród Beastmenów, wyróżniający się siłą, wytrzymałością i umiejętnościami łowieckimi. Przekonani o przychylności bogów Chaosu, są gorliwymi wyznawcami mrocznych sił.
Zestaw kart zawiera komplet zasad do gry tą drużyną w Kill Team, w tym karty danych operatywnych, ekwipunku, strategii i ploys.

Premiera 21.12.2024.

Brak w magazynie


Fellgor Ravagers are a cut above their Beastmen herd-fellows, boasting superior hunting skills, greater strength and even more formidable endurance. Having won a level of prestige among their kind, they are convinced that the gods favour them, rendering them even more ardent worshippers of Chaos.

This pack contains the rules you’ll need to deploy your Fellgor Ravagers in games of Kill Team. Inside you will find team rules displayed on handy reference cards, including team selection rules, operative datacards, faction rules, strategy and firefight ploys, faction and universal equipment rules, and your marker and token guide.

Contains 36 Cards:
– 11x Operative datacards
– 1x Faction rule card
– 4x Faction equipment cards
– 4x Strategy ploy cards
– 4x Firefight ploy cards
– 1x Marker/Token guide card
– 1x Team selection card
– 10x Universal equipment cards

Please note that a copy of the Kill Team: Core Book, available separately, is required to use the contents of this card pack.

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