Matsudan Wanderers Booster


Occasionally a Matsudan will fall to the whispers of the Nightstalkers and their deep-seated sense of honour is broken. Rather than risk spreading the curse of the shadowy terrors to their fellow warriors, Ronin will lead from the front in a final display of their bravery, before retiring to a life of solitude where they will eventually succumb to the horrors of the darkness.

Pozostało tylko: 1 (może być zamówiony)


1x Resin Matsudan Ronin,
1x Resin Matsudan Gravbike,
2x Resin Matsuyamori Bloodhounds,
1x Plastic Single Flying Base,
3x Plastic Single 25mm Round Bases

Note: Products containing models may require assembly; Resin, PVC and Metal figures require superglue and we recommend washing in warm soapy water before assembly. Models are supplied unpainted.

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