220,00 zł
Hearthkyn Salvagers to doświadczeni zwiadowcy Leagues of Votann, wysyłani w niebezpieczne misje w poszukiwaniu bogactw i zasobów w takich miejscach jak dryfujące space hulki czy strefy skażone promieniowaniem.
Ten wieloczęściowy zestaw plastikowy pozwala zbudować 10 Hearthkyn Salvagers – niezłomnych zwiadowców Kin, operujących w najtrudniejszych warunkach. Modele mogą być wykorzystane zarówno jako operatywy w grach Kill Team, jak i w armiach Leagues of Votann w Warhammer 40,000.
Premiera 21.12.2024.
Pozostało tylko: 1
Hearthkyn Salvagers are the experienced combat-surveyors of the Leagues of Votann. They are deployed to scout out hazardous locations, such as drifting space hulks or rad-blasted killzones, in search of wealth and resources.
This multipart plastic kit builds 10 Hearthkyn Salvagers, stalwart Kin prospectors who operate in the riskiest conditions. These miniatures can be used as Hearthkyn Salvager operatives in games of Kill Team, or fielded in Leagues of Votann armies in Warhammer 40,000. The kit includes different heads, helmets, and accessories to customise your Kin, plus components to build specialists for Kill Team, such as a soaring Jump Pack Warrior and analytical Kognitâar.
Inside the box, you will also find a sheet of 39 double-sided Hearthkyn Salvager tokens, so you can easily keep track of your equipment and in-game effects in the heat of battle.
This kit contains 199 plastic components and 10x Citadel 28.5mm Round Bases. This set also includes 1x Leagues of Votann Transfer Sheet containing 555 high-quality waterslide transfers for you to use to decorate your models.
These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.
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