Voidtouched Mutants / Weavers

Pierwotna cena wynosiła: 150,00 zł.Aktualna cena wynosi: 142,00 zł.

The Voidtouched are those mortals who have been corrupted and mutated by the dimensional radiations that flow between realities. Those designated as simply Mutants are deformed and crazed creatures, both elf and non-elf, who are simply set loose against opponents by their uncaring masters.

Pozostało tylko: 1 (może być zamówiony)



20x Hard Plastic Voidtouched Mutants/Weavers

2x MDF125x50mm Bases

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Requires super glue. We recommend washing resin models in warm, soapy water before painting.

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