Undead Army

Pierwotna cena wynosiła: 405,00 zł.Aktualna cena wynosi: 385,00 zł.

The dead do not rest easy in Mantica, for there are those who would use them as macabre puppets to fulfil their own mortal ends. Skeletal foot troops and cavalry shamble onwards in a relentless tide, overwhelming any who stand in their path.

Pozostało tylko: 1 (może być zamówiony)


This set contains a great starting force for Kings of War, including:

20 Hard Plastic Skeleton Warriors/Spearmen with Command
20 Hard Plastic Zombies
20 Hard Plastic Ghouls
2 Hard Plastic Balefire Catapults with Crew
1 Metal Necromancer with Alternate Components
Plastic and MDF Square Bases
Mantic Points
Miniatures supplied unassembled and unpainted. Requires superglue.

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