Skaven: Master Moulder


Ten wieloczęściowy plastikowy zestaw pozwala zbudować jednego Master Moulder. Po długim wystawieniu na działanie kamienia warpstone w eksperymentach mających na celu stworzenie jeszcze dziwniejszych sługusów, sami zostali pokręceni i zmutowali.

Pozostało tylko: 1 (może być zamówiony)


Master Moulders are experts in stitching muscle and flesh into new forms, and using warpstone to trigger mutations that twist mortal corpus beyond recognition. They take warped pride in the monsters they have brought into unholy life and consider the battlefield successes of these creatures to be their own.

This multipart plastic kit builds one Master Moulder. After long exposure to warpstone in their experiments to make yet more bizarre minions, they have become twisted and mutated themselves.

This kit contains 7 plastic components, and 1x Citadel 32mm Round Base. This miniature is supplied unassembled and unpainted.

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