Warcry: Teratic Cohort


Poprowadź Teratic Cohorts w ich bezlitosnym dążeniu do wypełnienia woli Nagasha dzięki tej drużynie do Warcry. Zestaw zawiera 8 modeli, w tym Kavalos Centari, Teratic Prowlers, Aviarch Harpies i Mortek Cykloptians uzbrojonych w dread glaive lub nadirite bident. Ci przeklęci wojownicy, ukształtowani w monstrualne formy, są gotowi do walki zarówno w Warcry, jak i Warhammer Age of Sigmar, z darmowymi zasadami do pobrania do tego drugiego. Zestaw składa się z 59 plastikowych elementów, różnych podstawek Citadel oraz talii 14 kart referencyjnych do gier w Warcry. Modele są dostarczane niepomalowane i wymagają złożenia.

Premiera: 12.10.2024

Pozostało tylko: 1 (może być zamówiony)


The Teratic Cohorts form the vanguard of the Ossiarch Bonereapers scouring the Gnarlwood, seeking to secure the treasures of Talaxis in the name of the Great Necromancer. Each cursed warrior bears a hideous form purpose-built for tracking and they will stop at nothing to see the will of Nagash realised.

This multipart plastic kit builds a full Teratic Cohorts warband, for use in games of Warcry. Having been shaped into bestial new bodies, these Ossiarch Bonereapers are desperate to fight and earn forgiveness from Nagash.

These miniatures can also be used as part of an Ossiarch Bonereapers army in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, using free rules available to download on the Warhammer Community website.

This set contains 8 plastic miniatures:
– 1x Kavalos Centari
– 3x Teratic Prowlers
– 2x Aviarch Harpies
– 2x Mortek Cykloptians, armed with either a dread glaive or nadirite bident

This set also includes:
– A Teratic Cohort abilities card, to aid you in games of Warcry (in English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Chinese, and Japanese)
– 5x Teratic Cohort fighter cards, for referencing your rules and stats at a glance
– 2x wound divider cards, for tracking your fighters in battle

This kit contains 59 plastic components, 1x Citadel 60mm Oval Base, 2x Citadel 32mm Round Bases, and 5x Citadel 28.5mm Round Bases. The set also includes a deck of 14 reference cards for use during your Warcry games.

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