Pathfinder RPG: Adventure #202: Severed at the Root (Wardens of Wildwood 2 of 3) (P2)


Przygoda w języku angielskim do gry fabularnej Pathfinder Second Edition.

Severed at the Root to osadzona w dziczy przygoda do gry Pathfinder dla czterech postaci na 8 poziomie. Przygoda jest kontynuacją Wardens of Wildwood Adventure Path, trzyczęściowej miesięcznej kampanii, w której grupa poszukiwaczy przygód porusza się w trudnej równowadze między idylliczną dziczą, głodnym narodem i pierwotnymi siłami spoza świata przyrody. Ten tom zawiera również spojrzenie na manifestacje Płaszczyzny Drewna, ekologię boskich zielonych ludzi, kilka nowych magicznych przedmiotów i nowe potworne zagrożenia!

Pozostało tylko: 1


Under surprising new leadership, the Wildwood Lodge begins a campaign of violence. Shocked, the PCs and their allies form a new lodge in exile to oppose this new regime. As they recruit new friends to their cause, the PCs must deny the Wildwood Lodge a powerful relic created by the renegade druid Ghorus, all while investigating the strange, primal magic the Wildwood Lodge has uncovered. If the PCs are to prevail, they will need to track down one of the Verduran Forest’s most dangerous inhabitants and convince her to aid their cause—or ensure she cannot aid their enemy.

Severed at the Root is a wilderness-themed Pathfinder adventure for four 8th-level characters. The adventure continues the Wardens of Wildwood Adventure Path, a three-part monthly campaign in which a group of adventurers navigate a tricky balance between idyllic wilderness, a hungry nation, and primal forces beyond the natural world. This volume also includes a look at manifestations of the Plane of Wood, an ecology of the godlike green men, several new magical items, and new monstrous threats!

Each monthly full-color softcover Pathfinder Adventure Path volume contains an in-depth adventure scenario, stats for several new monsters, and support articles meant to give Game Masters additional material to expand their campaign.

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