Pathfinder RPG: Adventure #201: Pactbreaker (Wardens of Wildwood 1 of 3) (P2) – EN


Przygoda w języku angielskim do gry fabularnej Pathfinder Second Edition.

Pactbreaker to osadzona w dziczy przygoda do gry Pathfinder dla czterech postaci piątego poziomu. Przygoda rozpoczyna Wardens of Wildwood Adventure Path, trzyczęściową miesięczną kampanię, w której grupa poszukiwaczy przygód porusza się w trudnej równowadze między idylliczną dziczą, głodnym narodem i pierwotnymi siłami spoza świata przyrody. Ten tom zawiera również spojrzenie na las Verduran, ekologię czujących drzewopodobnych drzew, kilka nowych magicznych przedmiotów do odkrycia i nowe niebezpieczne potwory, które przetestują twoich BG.

Pozostało tylko: 1


Though they arrived as guests, the PCs are soon deputized as part-time guards for the annual Greenwood Gala, a convention for primal-tradition powerbrokers and a festival associated with the Green Faith. After entering competitions, making connections, and shutting down troublemakers, they earn a privileged seat at the ceremony renewing the Treaty of the Wildwood—a ceremony ruined when saboteurs assassinate several of the Verduran Forest’s eminent leaders. This is the final insult many forest dwellers needed; as vigilantes and militias of arboreals, fey, and beasts mobilize to punish Andoran and Taldor, the PCs must avert bloodshed and maintain order long enough for the Wildwood Lodge to choose a new leader and restore peace.

Pactbreaker is a wilderness-themed Pathfinder adventure for four 5th-level characters. The adventure begins the Wardens of Wildwood Adventure Path, a three-part monthly campaign in which a group of adventurers navigate a tricky balance between idyllic wilderness, a hungry nation, and primal forces beyond the natural world. This volume also includes a look at the Verduran Forest, an ecology of the sentient treelike arboreals, several new magical items to discover, and new dangerous monsters to test your PCs!

Each monthly full-color softcover Pathfinder Adventure Path volume contains an in-depth adventure scenario, stats for several new monsters, and support articles meant to give Game Masters additional material to expand their campaign.

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