Vanguard: Ice and Iron

Pierwotna cena wynosiła: 95,00 zł.Aktualna cena wynosi: 75,00 zł.

Something stirs in the Winterlands. In the frozen north of the world, the enigmatic Northern Alliance maintain their long vigil, watching the wars of the world from their fortress city of Chill and biding their time. Now, suspicious eyes fall on the cold city, ancient forces turning their attentions to the hidden power lurking there. Vanguards and raiding forces of Abyssal Dwarfs despoil the Winterlands, probing the Alliance’s defences, looking for a weakness to exploit. Across tundra and snowy plains, and in the ice caverns of the mountains, the Alliance’s fur-clad warriors fight back against the invaders. The city cannot fall, no matter the cost. The secret they are hoarding is too precious to lose.

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Vanguards and raiding forces of Abyssal Dwarfs despoil the Winterlands, probing the Alliance’s defences, looking for a weakness to exploit. Across tundra and snowy plains, and in the ice caverns of the mountains, the Alliance’s fur-clad warriors fight back against the invaders. The city cannot fall, no matter the cost. The secret they are hoarding is too precious to lose.

Ice and Iron is a new supplement for Kings of War: Vanguard. Featuring a brand new narrative campaign in the snowy Winterlands, this book also contains extra scenarios for your own games, rules multi-player, underground and urban skirmishes, and a framework for converting characters to Kings of War or Dungeon Saga for your games.


Plus free updated warband cards.

In this deck, you’ll find updated warband cards for a selection of Vanguard units. Each is clearly marked with ‘1.1’ and is designed to replace the currently available cards. Cards included in this deck are:


2 x Abyssal Hellhound cards

Abyssal Warlock

Basilean Warband ability card

2 x Basilean Sergeant

2 x Basilean Gur Panther

Dwarf Warband ability card

2 x Dwarf Ironguard

Dwarf Mastiff Packmaster

Dwarf Flamepriest

Dwarf Steel Juggernaut

Dwarf Berserker Lord

Forces of Nature Salamander Veteran

3 x Nightstalker Phantom

3 x Nightstalker Shadowhound

Nightstalker Shade

Nightstalker Reaper Souldrinker

Northern Alliance Warband ability card

Northern Alliance Ice-Queen

Northern Alliance Thegn

2 x Northern Alliance Ice Kin Hunter

Northern Alliance Snow Troll Prime

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