Forces of the Abyss Mega Army (2024)


Mass incursions of the Forces of the Abyss are thankfully rare, for when they do happen, the suffering is terrible.

Pouring forth in waves of demonic creatures on foot and in the air, an Abyssal horde may only ever be stopped at great cost and after much bloodshed.

This brand new Mega Army set brings the best of the range out with hard plastic sprues of Lower Abyssals, Succubi, Nagarri, Berserkers, Imp Swarms, and resin favourites the Chroneas, and the Abyssal Champion.

Pozostało tylko: 1 (może być zamówiony)



  • 40 Hard Plastic Lower Abyssals,
  • 20 Hard Plastic Abyssal Succubi,
  • 6 Hard Plastic Abyssal Nagarri,
  • 6 Hard Plastic Abyssal Berserkers,
  • 3 Hard Plastic Imp Swarms,
  • 1 Resin Abyssal Champion,
  • Resin Abyssal Chroneas,
  • Bases

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