Elf Army

Pierwotna cena wynosiła: 399,00 zł.Aktualna cena wynosi: 385,00 zł.

Elfy to elitarna armia. Świetnie strzelają jak i walczą wręcz. Są szybkie i bezlitosne w zadawaniu wysokich strat wrogom. Wysokie morale również pomaga przetrwać. Wady? Brak silnych potworów do walki wręcz.

One of the oldest of the civilised races, the Elves have mastered warfare as they have every other pastime to which they turn their minds.

Pozostało tylko: 1


Number of Miniatures: 67

Product Type: Plastic and Metal Miniatures

Unit Type: Army Set

One of the oldest of the civilised races, the Elves have mastered warfare as they have every other pastime to which they turn their minds.


This set contains a great starting force for Kings of War, including:

  • 20 Hard Plastic Elf Kindred Tallspears with Command
  • 20 Hard Plastic Elf Kindred Archers with Command
  • 20 Hard Plastic Elf Kindred Gladestalkers
  • 2 Hard Plastic Bolt Throwers with Crew
  • 1 Metal Elf King
  • Plastic and MDF Square Bases
  • Mantic Points

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