Pathfinder RPG: Pathfinder Monster Core (P2) Pocket Edition – EN


Pathfinder Monster Core to trzecia podstawowa księga zasad dla w pełni zremasterowanej gry RPG Pathfinder Second Edition! Zasady te są kompatybilne z poprzednimi podręcznikami Pathfinder Second Edition, zawierając kompleksowe erraty i aktualizacje zasad oraz niektóre z najlepszych dodatków z późniejszych książek w nowych, łatwiej dostępnych tomach z nowymi prezentacjami inspirowanymi latami opinii graczy. Wraz z Player CoreGM Core i Player Core 2, książki te stanowią nowy fundament dla przyszłości gier stołowych!

Pozostało tylko: 2


Pathfinder Monster Core is the third core rulebook for the fully remastered Pathfinder Second Edition RPG! These rules are compatible with previous Pathfinder Second Edition rulebooks, incorporating comprehensive errata and rules updates and some of the best additions from later books into new, easier-to-access volumes with new presentations inspired by years of player feedback. Along with the Player Core, GM Core, and Player Core 2, these books provide a new foundation for the future of tabletop gaming!

Pathfinder Monster Core includes:

Over 400 individual monster writeups, including everything from common animals, like wolves and bears, to terrifying supernatural foes, such as the rune giant or the grim reaper!
Eight brand new dragons to challenge your players, including the power-hungry fortune dragon, the peerless adamantine dragon, the mischievous mirage dragon, the fiendish diabolic dragon, and more!
Classic monsters drawn from mythology, like the minotaur and the medusa, as well as creatures drawn from the legends of the Lost Omens setting, including favorites like the wicked sinspawn and unpredictable proteans.
Simple templates that allow you to customize a monster, making it more or less powerful with just a few simple adjustments.
Guidelines for reading and using a monster statistics, ensuring you get the most out of a creature both in and out of combat.
Lists of creatures sorted by both type and level, making it easy to find the monster you need when you need it.
Fully integrated errata from the first 4 years of Pathfinder Second Edition, including new balance adjustments to ensure that every creature presents a thrilling level-appropriate challenge!
Hundreds of beautiful full-color creature illustrations!
Published under the new Open RPG Creative (ORC) license, giving players and Game Masters even more freedom for making their own creations based on Pathfinder Second Edition.

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