Spread Like Fire
Imperial special forces units are masters of infiltration, extraction, and combat in any environment. Inferno Squad has distinguished itself from even these elite units, proving to be particularly effective at protecting—or burying—the Empire’s secrets and eliminating any threat to its reign.
Tasked with completing specialized stealth missions such as retrieving vital intelligence and destroying key targets, Imperial special forces troopers are adept with an array of weaponry, including the T-21 Blaster . Inferno Squad is particularly notorious for its unconventional tactics and its members—including Gideon Hask and Del Meeko—can lend their specialized skills to number of Imperial units.
No matter what unit you assign them to, the seven unpainted hard plastic Imperial Special Forces miniatures you find in this expansion arrive in a variety of poses. One of these troopers can be assembled with either a T-21 blaster rifle or an E-11 blaster rifle. If you’re assembling Inferno Squad to work alongside Iden Versio, separate Gideon Hask and Del Meeko miniatures can be assembled with or without their signature helmets and Meeko enters battle carrying a DLT-19x sniper rifle.
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