
A Song Of Ice And Fire PL – Niedźwiedzice Mormontów


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Most of the soldiers marching to battle in Westeros’ wars are men. Many people feel that a woman’s place is back home, running things there. But for House Mormont, their She-Bears gladly head to war, taking up arms just like any other soldier. Drawing inspiration in armor and weaponry from legendary warrior Lady Alysane Mormont, they are a rough and rugged fighting force that will stand toe-to-toe with some of the heaviest units other Houses can field.

The Mormont She-Bears Unit Box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives House Stark players a durable unit for their forces. These tough women are outfitted with thick leather and sturdy plate mail, making them able to turn away enemy blows with ease. Offensively, they attack mercilessly with two-handed maces, able to crush enemy armor with a single blow. The more dire the situation, the harder the She-Bears fight, often carrying on in battle past near-fatal wounds.

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