Datasheet Cards: Adepta Sororitas


Karty do frakcji Adeptus Sororitas


Pozostało tylko: 1


The Adepta Sororitas are the most devout servants of the Imperium. Singing praise to the God-Emperor, they embark on Wars of Faith to smite the heretic, the mutant, the witch, and the xenos.

This set of 35 cards will help you track your Adepta Sororitas in your games – individual datasheets for every unit detail their profiles, wargear, options, and special abilities. You’ll also find a reference card for the Adepta Sororitas army rule and special datasheet cards for use in Combat Patrol games.

– 1x Army Rule Card
– 30x Adepta Sororitas Datasheet Cards
– 4x Combat Patrol Datasheet Cards

All cards measure 161.5mm by 107.1mm and feature a bronze edge.

You’ll need a copy of Codex: Adepta Sororitas, which is available separately, to make full use of these cards.

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