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Chewbacca to najlepszy z najlepszych. Ma 9 punktów życia i potężny wygar w walce wręcz! Zycia ma prawie tyle ile AT-ST,. Chewbacca to taki mały naziemny rebeliancki czołg…
A czołgi są fajne. Czy mówiłem już, że czołgi są fajne? ;D
Pozostało tylko: 2
Opis w języku angielskim:
With his enormous strength, Chewbacca is a valuable asset for the Rebellion in any fight. From the depths of the Death Star, to the frozen plains of Hoth, to the forest moon of Endor, he has demonstrated time and again the power of having a Wookiee on your side. But perhaps even more valuable than his size and strength is Chewbacca’s unwavering loyalty to his friends.
Willing to follow Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, and Leia Organa into any conflict, Chewbacca lends his aid to each of these bold leaders on the battlefields of the Galactic Civil War. Soon, Chewbacca will be able to team up with these heroes during your games of Star Wars™: Legion with the Chewbacca Operative Expansion.
język | EN, PL |
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