Legions Imperialis: Shadowswords, stormblades and Stormswords


Shadowsword to siostrzany czołg Baneblade’a, superciężkiego pojazdu wykorzystywanego przez kohorty Solar Auxilia do atakowania i niszczenia wrogich makrosilników za pomocą działa wulkanicznego. To samo podwozie zostało również przystosowane do montażu różnych broni podstawowych dostosowanych do ich własnych sposobów niszczenia, takich jak niszczące bunkry działo oblężnicze Stormsword lub wszechstronne działo plazmowe Stormblade.

Pozostało tylko: 1 (może być zamówiony)


The Shadowsword is the sister tank to the Baneblade, a super-heavy vehicle employed by Solar Auxilia cohorts to engage and destroy enemy macro-engines with its volcano cannon. The same chassis has also been adapted to mount different primary weapons suited to their own modes of destruction, like the bunker-busting Stormsword siege cannon or the versatile plasma blastgun of the Stormblade.

This multipart plastic kit builds two epic scale Solar Auxilia super-heavy tanks, each of which can be assembled in the Shadowsword, Stormblade, or Stormsword configurations. Each of these massive vehicles bristles with firepower, from the Titan-slaying volcano cannon, the fortress-shattering siege cannon, or the devastating short-ranged firepower of the plasma blastgun. Each variant also sports hull-mounted twin heavy bolters, and a pair of sponsons with twin heavy bolters and lascannon turrets. You’ll find a variety of options for the cupola atop each hull, which can be assembled with a closed hatch, or a selection of gunners, spotters, or commanders

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