Firefight Starter Set: Edge of Sanity


Humanity’s galactic expansion is driven by the relentless quest for riches, resources and renown. Mega-corporations war against alien races, pushing ever outward as the ‘Galactic Co-Prosperity Sphere’. Blind to previous mistakes, the quest for technological advancement has released a new threat into the galaxy – a threat spread by fear and cognition…

This fantastic value set gives you everything you need to start playing Firefight: over 70 highly detailed Mantic miniatures, a full rulebook and force lists, a quick start guide, dice and tokens. Pick between the ancient and secretive Asterian empire, or the nightmarish void-invaders of the Nightstalkers; give control of the other army to a friend or family and enjoy hours of fun as you take to battle! There’s no better way to get into the Warpath Universe and Mantic hobby – this box is also great for expanding existing armies.

Pozostało tylko: 1 (może być zamówiony)



  • 20 Plastic Asterian Multi-part Marionettes
  • 4 Plastic Asterian Multi-part Support Drones
  • 6 Plastic Asterian Multi-part Cyphers
  • 6 Plastic Asterian Multi-part Matsudan
  • 1 Resin Asterian Cypher Prime
  • 20 Plastic Asterian Multi-part Scarecrows
  • 10 Plastic Asterian Multi-part Reapers
  • 6 Plastic Asterian Multi-part Butchers
  • 1 Resin Nightstalker Shade
  • The Firefight “Command Protocols” full rulebook, with all scenarios and force lists for every Firefight faction
  • Punch Card Counters and Tokens
  • Command Dice (6 Black, 2 Orange, 1 Green)
  • 16 x D8s
  • Bases (Plastic and MDF rounds)

Note: Products containing models may require assembly; Resin, PVC and Metal figures require superglue and we recommend washing in warm soapy water before assembly. Models are supplied unpainted.

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