Asterian Faction Starter


Number of Miniatures: 19

Product Type: Starter Set

What agenda these haughty aliens follow when they enter a Deadzone is not clear. All that is known for certain is that their operatives are efficient and deadly, and leave no trace of their operations behind.

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This set contains everything you need get started with the Asterians in Deadzone, including:

  • 10 Hard Plastic Marionettes
  • Noh Rifles
  • Optional Phlogistor, Sniper Rifle, and Grenade Launcher
  • 2 Hard Plastic Support Drones
  • Can be built as either Communications Drone, Camouflage Drone, or Weapon Drone with twin Noh Rifles
  • 2 Plastic Cyphers with Noh Rifles
  • 2 Plastic Cypher Wardens with Charge Gloves
  • 1 Plastic Cypher with Fission Beamer
  • 1 Plastic Black Talon
  • 1 Plastic Overseer
  • 25mm Plastic Round Bases
  • Rules Leaflet including full stats and rules for fielding the Asterians in Deadzone, including brand new units!
  • Mantic Points

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Requires super glue. Requires the Deadzone 2nd Edition Rulebook to play.

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