Necromunda: Van Saar Tek-hunters


Wieloczęściowy plastikowy zestaw pozwala na dodanie doświadczonych Tek-hunterów do gangów House Van Saar, tworząc skład ośmiu wyspecjalizowanych delversów. Każdy Tek-hunter nosi pancerny kombinezon i zamontowany na ramieniu foto-lumen, aby pomóc mu eksplorować i przetrwać w Secundan Underhells, i ma dostęp do różnorodnej specjalistycznej broni i wyposażenia, takiego jak servo-medicae Bioteknist lub long las Gunntek.

Pozostało tylko: 1 (może być zamówiony)


Tek-hunters are the specialist explorers of House Van Saar, each selected for their unique skills and mastery of specialised equipment. The overlords of their house task them with dangerous but lucrative missions, such as locating and retrieving data crystals from the Underhells of Hive Secundus.

The multipart plastic kit allows you to add veteran Tek-hunters to your House Van Saar gangs, building a roster of eight specialist delvers. Each Tek-hunter wears an armoured bodyglove and shoulder-mounted photo-lumen, to help them explore and survive the Secundan Underhells, and has access to a variety of specialist weaponry and equipment, such as the Bioteknist’s servo-medicae or the Gunntek’s long las.

– 2x Augurteks with lasguns, or Gunnteks with long las rifles and refraction cloaks
– 2x Bioteknists with lasguns, or Augurteks with las carbines, augurspexes, and vox arrays
– 2x Bioteknists with servo-medicae and laspistols, or Gunnteks with lasguns
– 2x Teknomats, each equipped with a rad gun or combi-weapon (flamer/man-catcher)

This set comprises 178 plastic components and is supplied with 8x Necromunda 25mm Bases. They are supplied unassembled and unpainted.

Rules for using Van Saar Tek-hunters can be found in Necromunda: Book of Desolation, which is available separately.


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