Fallout: Miniatures – Raiders: The Pack


Ten zestaw figurek jest kompatybilny zarówno z Fallout: Wasteland Warfare, jak i Fallout: Factions, jako część fali Nuka World dla Wasteland Warfare i pierwszego sezonu Factions.

‘The Pack are a lot like eating centuries old candy, bright, exciting and probably going to kill you.’

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Opis produktu w języku angielskim:

Brightly coloured, bedecked in whatever interesting knick-knacks they can tape to themselves and wholly ruled by their moment to moment instincts, The Pack are less of a gang and more of… well, a pack. Following their Alpha to the end, members of The Pack tend to be spurred on to random acts of violence throughout the day, not too worried about the reason why, just if it’ll be fun or not. Every choice they make tends to follow that logic, fun over all other things, sadly for everyone else, they think fighting is really, really fun. cards.


  • 10x The Pack Gang Members
  • 10x Plastic Bases

This Fallout: Miniatures set contains ten 32mm scale hard plastic, multi-part miniatures with optional parts and ten 30mm bases.

Requires some assembly. Supplied unpainted.

This model can be used with either the rules from the Nuka World Rules Expansion or the free digital cards available from

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