Warhammer Quest: Cursed City: NIGHTWARS


Rozszerzenie do Warhammer Quest: Cursed City, oferujące nowe sposoby gry. Kontynuuje historię z nowymi wampirami próbującymi przejąć władzę w Ulfenkarn

Wzmocnij swoich bohaterów, aby podejmowali nowe podróże i jeszcze większe wyzwania.

W pudełku znajdziesz:

– 48-stronicowy podręcznik Nightwars, wypełniony ciągłą historią Ulfenkarna, zasadami nowych wrogów, dwiema klasami elitarnymi dla każdej z czterech klas bazowych, zasadami osady Haven, trzema nowymi rodzajami podróży plus czterema podróżami z dekapitacją i innymi niebezpiecznymi Stoły kryzysowe

– 2x dwustronne płytki planszowe

– 53 karty do gry, w tym spotkania, cechy klasy elitarnej, wzmocnienia, karty odkryć, karty wampirzej mocy i karta misji Nightwars

– 2x tajne koperty z wampirzą mocą, które można otworzyć, gdy polujesz na każdego wampira

– 30 dwustronnych żetonów, w tym nowe żetony ukrycia, polowania i punktów krwi.

Zestaw nie zawiera figurek.


Pozostało tylko: 1


The Curse of Night Unending shrouds Ulfenkarn’s streets in choking darkness. The survivors’ enclave of Haven stands alone as a light in the darkness. In the Ebon Citadel the Wolf’s throne stands empty, but three new vampiric pretenders have arisen to stake their claim to the city. Each brings their own brand of evil to bear, turning the districts under their control to hellish reflections of their personalities. Only the band of disparate heroes who cast down Radukar stand any chance of pushing back the darkness, and reclaiming Ulfenkarn for the living. Their task will not be an easy one, for with each vampire they cut down, the others will increase their territory and power. And around campfires and candles, rumours claim the Wolf still stalks the night…

The first expansion for Warhammer Quest: Cursed City has arrived. Use your collection of Soulblight Gravelords models to represent new vampire lords trying to fill the power vacuum left by your Heroes after the first quest. You’ll find three new journey types, new missions, even more challenging enemies, and new Elite Classes to empower your Heroes.

Inside the box you’ll find:

– 48-page Nightwars rulebook, packed with the continuing story of Ulfenkarn, rules for using new enemies, two Elite Classes for each of the four base classes, rules for the Haven settlement, three new journey types plus four Decapitation journeys, and more perilous Crisis tables

– 2x double-sided board tiles

– 53x game cards, including encounters, Elite Class traits, empowerments, discovery cards, vampiric power cards, and a Nightwars quest card

– 2x vampiric power secret envelopes, to open as you hunt down each vampire

– 30 double-sided tokens, including new lurk, hunted, and blood point tokens

This box does not include any Citadel miniatures. In addition to the Warhammer Quest: Cursed City boxed game, you’ll need the following separately-available models to take full advantage of this expansion: Radukar, the Beast; Kritza, the Rat Prince; Lady Annika, the Thirsting Blade; Vampire Lord; and Fell Bats.

Informacje dodatkowe

Waga3,2 kg
Wymiary30 × 30 × 7 cm

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