Dwarf Mountain Holds: Slayer of Legend


Krasnoludy, które poniosły porażkę, są zmuszone przez swoją dumę do przyłączenia się do Kultu Zabójców, podejmując dobrowolne wygnanie, aby szukać chwalebnej śmierci z rąk godnego wroga.

Brak w magazynie


Dwarfs who have suffered what they perceive to be a serious loss of honour might take the solemn and binding vows of the Slayer Cult, forsaking their home and kin in self-imposed exile. Taking only their axe, they venture into the wilderness to seek a great doom in battle at the hands of a worthy enemy. Those that survive the longest, eluding their doom and besting every foe fate places before them, become legendary figures amongst their kin.

This multipart plastic kit builds a Dwarf Slayer of Legend, for use with Dwarfen Mountain Holds armies in games of Warhammer: The Old World. Leaping into battle, this Slayer is an ideal, characterful option for your vengeance-seeking force.

This kit contains 10 plastic components and 1x Citadel 25mm Square Base.

This miniature is supplied unassembled and unpainted.


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