Waiqar Infantry – Rozwinięcie jednostki


Rozszerzenie do gry RuneWars. Zestaw zawiera 4 figurki, z których złożysz jeden oddział lub dołożysz do posiadanego już oddziału. Ponadto karty oddziału i ulepszeń oraz znacznik ruchu.

Brak w magazynie


Opakowanie zawiera plastikowe modele do gry. Modele są wieloczęściowe, do sklejenia i pomalowania. Farby i klej nie stanowią części zestawu.

Opis produktu w języku angielskim:

The undead are terrifying foes, known for their tireless strength and single-minded purpose, but no less terrifying is the fact that each of the champions leading Waiqar’s hosts possesses centuries of experience in military tactics and strategy. These military geniuses support their battle plans with the steady, inexorable beat of skeletal drummers and the sinister sigils raised by the gaunt standard-bearers. And perhaps worst of all, necromancers stalk the ranks of Waiqar’s army, raising the fallen to fight again in the name of their lord.

In the same fashion as the Daqan Infantry Command Unit Upgrade Expansion, this expansion pack offers four new figures that you may add to an infantry unit: a Standard-Bearer, a Champion, a Drummer, and a Necromancer. With eighteen new upgrade cards to increase your army’s power, you’ll find plenty of ways to add these figures to your units, perhaps adding a Marching Drummer who lets your unit turn freely, so long as the Drummer remains with the unit.

RuneWars: The Miniatures Game is a two-player miniatures game of battles between the great powers of Terrinoth. In each game, you and your opponent will gather armies of miniatures and lead them into battle-blocks of infantry will manoeuvre for position, cavalry wings will wheel and slam into a weakened flank, and monstrous rune golems or carrion lancers will smash through formations of lesser warriors. Innovative command tools, two distinct factions, and countless ways to customize your experience combine to offer an unparalleled miniatures gaming experience in RuneWars. Finally, with forty-eight beautifully sculpted, unpainted figures, you’ll be able to paint and customize your armies to bring an entirely unique touch to your games and enter the hobby of miniatures painting!

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