Masters of The Universe: Fields of Eternia (ENG)


Bask in the fabulous glory of 80s nostalgia as you journey through the mystical land of Eternia and take command of iconic Heroes and Villains. Play as your favourite characters: He-Man, Skeletor, She-Ra, Evil-Lyn, Man-At-Arms, Beast Man, Teela and many more. All crafted in stunning 32mm detail. Each miniature comes with an immersive scenic base and a striking power pose. You can also Level-up your gaming experience with custom dice and the all-powerful Castle Grayskull Dice Tower!

Wiek: od 12 lat

Liczba graczy:1-6

Pozostało tylko: 1


Choose from a variety of factions, each with their own unique abilities and aspirations. Will you help to fight back the forces of Evil, or will you seek to take control of Castle Grayskull and claim the power of the universe?

Players will have to traverse the many mountains, forests and swamp lands, as they undertake quests to power up their chosen characters, encountering familiar foes and monsters along the way. Tame wild beasts in order to ride them across the plains and into battle. Complete missions to take control of key locations throughout the land to increase your power.


  • 1 x game board
  • 1 x rulebook
  • 1 x mission book
  • 2 x epic dice
  • 20 x wilds dice
  • 2 x combat grids
  • 12 x hero miniatures
  • 30 x soldier miniatures
  • 304 x various cards
  • 48 x cards for the solo / co-op mode
  • 130 x various tokens

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