Army Painter Brush Starter Set


Zestaw 3 pędzli z naturalnego włosia bardzo dobrej jakości firmy Army Painter. Small Detail, Standard i Drybrush. Pędzle z wygodnymi uchwytami

W skład zestawu wchodzi:

  • HOBBY: Standard Brush
  • HOBBY: Small Detail
  • HOBBY: Drybrush

Pozostało tylko: 2 (może być zamówiony)


Round brush from fine pure kolinsky hair is for all-purpose work. Ergonomic short handle with matt black covering is designed for subtle and detailed works. This brush has excellent spring short length-out makes hair even more flexible, so that it is perfect for impasto and watercolor techniques. Conical brush head combined with fine pointing lets you apply think strokes and model medium-sized and large objects as well as fine lines and details

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