This Galactic Squadron Pack includes talented and loyal pilots such as Vult Skerris and Ciena Ree, featuring new abilities and upgrades based on their appearances in Star Wars: Rebels and Lost Stars. In addition to these pilots, players will also find one TIE/D Defender miniature and two TIE/in Interceptor miniatures featuring bold alternate paint schemes in this expansion, adding even more diversity to Imperial squadrons!
X-Wing 2nd ed.: Skystrike Academy Squadron Pack
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Zestaw dodatkowy frakcji Imperium Galaktycznego.
Najlepszy Squadron Pack tej fali, dla gracza imperium absolutny must have. Poza ślicznymi modelami statków dostajemy również masę nowych pilotów w tym Dartha Vadera w Tie Defenderze robiocego niezłe zamieszanie na macie.
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